About this performance

In astrology, Pluto is the planet of transformation and change. It is a generational planet, which means that it rules different generations in different ways depending on its position in the sky at the time and place of your birth. For example, in the first house of astrology, which is about creating and shaping your image, Pluto tries to dramatically improve your being. What happens when we realize that who we are is not who we were meant to be? The conversation between our inner child and the shadow self leaves us in a never-ending dilemma of trying to be neither too weak nor too strong.
Answer: We are everything and nothing. We are good and bad. We are gentle and strict. We are always misfits and we are becoming fitter every day. Find peace in the darkness, because light cannot exist without it. Allow yourself to be reborn and rise like a phoenix from the ashes, as you have done many times before.


Matthew Dane Livingston


Matthew Dane Livingston and Monika Šerstabojevaitė

Sound editor

Matthew Dane Livingston

Costume artists

Matthew Dane Livingston & Kristina Čyžiūtė Svirskienė


Andy Stott, Arca, Ori Lichtik and ų-Ziq

Premier line-up

Chih-Yuan Yang, Ester Bega, Gavin Law, Julija Strupaitė, Kris Dao Nicholls, Ludovico Murgia, Natsuho Matsumoto, Pepe Jaimes


2022 y. February 23rd.


50 min.

Art director of the theater

Birutė Letukaitė

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